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- Alternative fusion devices
- Anomalous transport
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- Bayesian data analysis
- Beta
- Bicoherence
- Biorthogonal decomposition
- Books
- Bootstrap current
- Boozer coordinates
- Breeding blanket
- Broader Approach agreement
- Causality detection
- Collisionality
- Conduction limited
- Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions
- Connection length
- Continuous Time Random Walk
- Coordinated Working Group
- Coordinated Working Group: Neoclassical Transport
- Coordinated Working Group Meeting
- Data analysis techniques
- Debye length
- Detachment
- Detachment control
- Diagnostics
- Disruption
- Divertor
- EFTC Organization
- EPS Conference Organization
- EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting
- Edge Localized Modes
- Educational material
- Effective charge state
- Effective plasma radius
- Ellipticity
- Energy confinement time
- Error propagation
- Ethics
- Euratom
- European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics
- European Fusion Theory Conference
- European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics
- Flux coordinates
- Flux surface
- Flux tube
- FoSS: ISHW2024
- Forum of Small Stellarators
- Function parametrization
- Fusenet
- Fusion-EP
- Fusion databases
- Fusion laboratories
- Fusor
- Geodesic Acoustic Mode
- Greenwald limit
- Gyrokinetic simulations
- H-mode
- H-mode power threshold
- H98
- Hamada coordinates
- Hannes Alfvén Prize
- Heat flux width
- Heat pinch
- High recycling
- IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
- ICTS:paperwork
- ICTS Accesos bajo demanda
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- ICTS proyectos
- Impurities
- Institutions
- Intermittence
- Internal Transport Barrier
- Internal inductance
- International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology
- International Congress on Plasma Physics
- International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop
- International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology
- International Toki Conference
- Ion Temperature Gradient instability
- Island Divertor
- Job opportunities
- Journals
- L-mode
- LNF:Development of critical diagnostics for the operation of the IFMIF-DONES Lithium target (DONES-LIDIA)
- LNF:Estudio experimental de flujos, turbulencia y modos MHD, y su impacto en confinamiento en los stellarators TJ-II y W7-X
- LNF:Fuelling and Impurity Control Studies in the stellarators TJ-II and W7-X using Cryogenic Pellets and Tracer-Encapsulated Solid Pellets (TESPEL)
- LNF:Iones ligeros y radiación en materiales para fusión (IONFUS V)
- LNF:L2HPED Estudio de Transiciones L-H y Pedestal en Modo H en Tokamaks
- LNF:Nationally Funded Projects
- LNF:Organization
- LNF:Plasma Physics
- LNF:Project template
- LNF:Technology
- LNF: Additive manufacturing of Copper alloys for the development of new Clean Energies (AFCE)
- LNF: Exploration of novel (anti) corrosion and permeation barriers (EXCORPION)
- LNF: Fusion LiqUid meTals HYdrogen ExtRaction (Fusion LUTHYER)
- LNF: Modelling of disruption types in thermonuclear plasmas and its recognition by means of machine learning techniques
- LNF: Producción industrial Pb-15.7Li
- LNF: Tecnologías de Litio críticas para IFMIF-DONES
- Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión
- Larmor radius
- Long-range correlation
- Loss power
- MDSplus
- MHD equilibrium
- Magnetic confinement
- Magnetic curvature
- Magnetic island
- Magnetic shear
- Magnetic strike point
- Magnetic well
- Main Page
- Model validation
- Modular coil
- Neoclassical transport
- Non-diffusive transport
- Nuclear fusion
- Omnigeneity
- Pedestal
- Peeling-Ballooning Model
- Plasma instability
- Plasma sheath
- Plasma simulation
- Profile consistency
- Quasisymmetry
- Quiescent H-mode
- Reconnection
- Resistive timescale
- Resonant Magnetic Perturbation
- Reversed Field Pinch
- Reynolds stress
- Rotational transform
- Sawtooth
- Scaling law
- Scrape-Off Layer
- Self-Organised Criticality
- Separatrix
- Shafranov shift
- Sheath limited
- Single-Pointed Magnetic Confinement
- Software tools
- Spheromak
- Stellarator
- Stellarator optimization
- Stellarator reactor
- Stellarator symmetry
- Strongly radiating
- Sudo limit
- Super H-mode
- Symposium On Fusion Engineering
- Symposium on Fusion Technology
- TJ-I
- TJ-II:Alfven Eigenmodes and biasing in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Biasing probe
- TJ-II:Blobs vs streamers
- TJ-II:Bolometry
- TJ-II:Charge exchange spectroscopy
- TJ-II:Coil system
- TJ-II:Compact Neutral Particle Analyzer
- TJ-II:Comparison of the ionic effective charge of TJ-II plasmas after recent vacuum wall boronization/lithiumization with Laser Blow-off contaminated plasmas using visible bremsstrahlung emissions
- TJ-II:Comparison of transport of on-axis and off-axis ECH-heated plasmas
- TJ-II:Confinement transitions
- TJ-II:Construction
- TJ-II:Control and data acquisition systems
- TJ-II:Cooling system
- TJ-II:Dependence of NBI-driven Alfvén Eigenmodes on NBI energy and power
- TJ-II:Diagnostic neutral beam
- TJ-II:Divertor
- TJ-II:ECRH system calibration
- TJ-II:Effect of ECRH on the characteristics of Alfven Eigenmodes activity
- TJ-II:Effect of pellet injection on the radial electric field profile of stellarators
- TJ-II:Electron Bernstein Wave Heating
- TJ-II:Electron Cyclotron Emission
- TJ-II:Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating
- TJ-II:Er and turbulence asymmetries in low ripple configurations measured by Doppler reflectometry
- TJ-II:Evaluation of Neoclassical transport correction terms in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Excitation of zonal flow oscillations by energetic particles
- TJ-II:Experimental program
- TJ-II:Experimental proposals
- TJ-II:Fast Camera studies with triple bundle
- TJ-II:Fast camera
- TJ-II:Fast ion loss probe
- TJ-II:Gas puff
- TJ-II:Halpha monitors
- TJ-II:Heavy Ion Beam Probe
- TJ-II:Helium Beam
- TJ-II:Imaging of pelet cloud dynamics in TJ-II using Halpha and bremsstraahlung filters and a fast-frame camera
- TJ-II:Improving fuelling efficiency in TJ-II ECRH plasmas
- TJ-II:Impurity density and potential asymmetries
- TJ-II:Impurity injection by laser blow-off: influence of main ions charge/mass on impurity confinement and transport
- TJ-II:Impurity transport
- TJ-II:Impurity transport studies by LILA-TOF detection. A Lithium Laser-Ablation based Time-of-Flight (LILA-TOF) diagnostic for measuring plasma edge ion temperature (II). Influence of toroidal plasma rotation
- TJ-II:Impurity transport studies by LILA-TOF detection. A Lithium Laser-Ablation based Time-of-Flight (LILA-TOF) diagnostic for measuring plasma edge ion temperature and toroidal plasma rotation
- TJ-II:In situ, real time boronization of TJ-II
- TJ-II:Influence of edge radial electric fields on particle and heat in the SOL
- TJ-II:Influence of electron / ion root and ion mass on the radial and frequency structure of zonal flows in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Influence of positive and negative density gradients in turbulent transport using the HIBP system
- TJ-II:Influence of radial electric field on intermittence near rational surfaces
- TJ-II:Infrared thermography of the NBI Beam Stop: NBI contribution to plasma fuelling
- TJ-II:Infrared thermography of the NBI Beam Stop: NBI contribution to plasma fuelling (2)
- TJ-II:Instabilities
- TJ-II:Interferometry
- TJ-II:Internal Transport Barriers
- TJ-II:Investigating the Alfvén Wave damping
- TJ-II:Investigation of plasma asymmetries in the TJ-II stellarator and comparison with Gyrokinetic simulations
- TJ-II:Investigation of the ECRH power level and deposition radius on impurity confinement after injection by laser blow-off in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Investigation of the mechanism of decoupling between energy and particle transport channels: Proposal for joint experiments in TJ-II and H-J
- TJ-II:Investigation of turbulence spreading and information transfer in the TJ-II stellarator
- TJ-II:L-H Transition and Isotope Effect in low magnetic ripple configurations
- TJ-II:L-H transition studies: characterization of plasma turbulence using Gas Puff Imaging, Probes, Doppler reflectometry and HIBP diagnostics
- TJ-II:LIA-TOF. New method for Edge Ti determination in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Langmuir Probes
- TJ-II:Large pellet injection into NBI-heated plasmas of tJ-II
- TJ-II:Limiter
- TJ-II:Lithium Beam
- TJ-II:Magnetic coordinates
- TJ-II:Magnetic field
- TJ-II:Magnetic surface mapping
- TJ-II:Magnetics
- TJ-II:Measurement of Te and ne of Blobs analyzing recycling helium emission in front of a poloidal limiter
- TJ-II:Measurements of radial correlation length and tilting of turbulent eddies by Radial Correlation Doppler Reflectometry
- TJ-II:Multifilter electron temperature diagnostic
- TJ-II:NBI1 vs. NBI2 heated plasma comparison
- TJ-II:NBI contribution to plasma fuelling
- TJ-II:Neutral Beam Injection
- TJ-II:Observation of suprathermal ions with Neutral Particle Analyzers during electron cyclotron heating in the TJ-II stellarator
- TJ-II:Paddle
- TJ-II:PelletFuelling
- TJ-II:Pellet Injections into TJ-II plasmas with core fast electron population
- TJ-II:Pellet injector
- TJ-II:Plasma Wall Interaction
- TJ-II:Plasma fueling experiments: influence of gas puffing distribution on plasma behaviour
- TJ-II:Poloidal 2D scans to investigate potential and density profiles in the TJ-II stellarator using dual Heavy ion beam probe diagnostic
- TJ-II:Ports
- TJ-II:Potential Assymetries at low magnetic field
- TJ-II:Potential asymmetries at low magnetic field
- TJ-II:Power supply
- TJ-II:Proposal template
- TJ-II:Radial electric field of low-magnetic-field low-collisionality NBI plasmas
- TJ-II:Radiation asymmetries and potential variations
- TJ-II:Re-commissioning of Fast Ion Loss Detector
- TJ-II:Real Time Lithiation-boronization in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Real Time lithiatiation of TJII
- TJ-II:Reflectometry
- TJ-II:Relational database
- TJ-II:Retarding Field Analyzer
- TJ-II:Role of isotope effect on biasing induced transitions in the TJ-II stellarator
- TJ-II:Role of isotope mass on the radial width of Zonal Flows
- TJ-II:Routine and systematic use of the LIBS
- TJ-II:Search for physical mechanisms that lead to increase of turbulence following pellet injection
- TJ-II:Searching for AEs suppression scenarios using off-axis ECCD
- TJ-II:Searching for zonal fields and zonal flows driven by fast particles in TJ-II
- TJ-II:Sectors
- TJ-II:Shot database
- TJ-II:Soft X-rays
- TJ-II:Spectroscopy
- TJ-II:Studies of LIquid Metal insertion in TJ-II
- TJ-II:The influence of a core fast electron population on pellet fuelling efficiency in TJ-II
- TJ-II:The study of edge turbulence in the presence of ECRH and NBI heating
- TJ-II:Thomson Scattering
- TJ-II:Tomography
- TJ-II:Transport analysis by means of the Transfer Entropy
- TJ-II:Transport and magnetic configuration
- TJ-II:Turbulence
- TJ-II:Turbulence and flow measured at the 3/2 magnetic island using Doppler reflectometry
- TJ-II:Turbulence and radial electric field asymmetries in different iota magnetic configurations measured by Doppler reflectometry
- TJ-II:Turbulence and radial electric field asymmetries in high iota magnetic configuration measured by Doppler reflectometry
- TJ-II:Turbulence driven magnetic islands
- TJ-II:Turbulence properties near a rational surface
- TJ-II:Turbulence spreading and ECRH modulation experiments in the TJ-II stellarator
- TJ-II:Turbulence studies during transient pellet induced regimes
- TJ-II:Understanding an often observed transient rise in core electron temperature during pellet injection into TJ-II plasmas
- TJ-II:Vacuum system
- TJ-II:Validation of ECCD predictions in TJ-II ECRH plasmas
- TJ-II:Validation of bootstrap predictions
- TJ-II:Why fast particle electromagnetic induced stabilization in fusion plasmas?
- TJ-II: 2D mapping of plasma parameters using HIBP
- TJ-II: 2D mapping of plasma potential and density and their fluctuations in ECRH plasmas
- TJ-II: Biasing experiments in TJ-II: Feed back control of Zonal Flows and cross-phase effects on turbulent transport
- TJ-II: Calibration of the helical arrays of Mirnov coils
- TJ-II: Combining retarding-field energy analyzer and electrostatic probes measurements, an approach to measure the phase relation between density and temperature fluctuations using RFA?
- TJ-II: Commissioning of new Gas Puff Imaging system
- TJ-II: Commissioning of the new helical arrays of magnetic coils
- TJ-II: Comparison of Beam-wall effects at the beam ducts of NBI
- TJ-II: Density limit and ZFs in TJ-II
- TJ-II: Determination of the spatial periodicity of NBI-driven Alfvén Eigenmodes and study of its magnetic configuration dependence
- TJ-II: Edge – SOL coupling studies using fast cameras and Langmuir probes: role of edge turbulence and radial electric fields
- TJ-II: Electric potential and turbulence studies with HIBP and LP via edge biasing
- TJ-II: Evolution of LCR by HIBP and Probes
- TJ-II: Fast particles induced transport: ExB transport and asymmetries
- TJ-II: Feed back control of Zonal Flows and turbulence in TJ-II
- TJ-II: Filter spectroscopy for pellet ablation cloud in TJ-II NBI plasmas
- TJ-II: Impurity injection by laser blow-off (LBO): Confinement and transport studies of high Z impurity injection by LBO in ion-root regime discharges
- TJ-II: Impurity injection by laser blow-off (LBO): Confinement and transport studies of high Z impurity injection by LBO in ion-root scenarios (II). Comparison to neoclassical and turbulence simulations.
- TJ-II: Impurity injection with TESPEL in TJ-II stellarator
- TJ-II: Influence of Alfven Eigenmodes in edge turbulence and Zonal Flows
- TJ-II: Influence of edge radial electric fields on impurity transport
- TJ-II: Influence of magnetic configuration on filament dynamics
- TJ-II: Infuence of AEs on ExB transport: role of phase shift effects
- TJ-II: Injection of TESPELs with compounds or multiple elements of interest for W7-X
- TJ-II: Investigation of Pellet Deposition Profiles and Transports in TJ-II using Integrated Predictive Modelling Codes
- TJ-II: Magnetic fluctuations induced by pellet injections in TJ-II
- TJ-II: Measurements using Gas Puff Imaging system
- TJ-II: Multipellet injection in NBI plasmas
- TJ-II: On the electrostatic transport driven by Alfvén modes and broadband turbulence in the plasma edge region of the TJ-II stellarator