The Goal Oriented Training Programme EUROBREED or "Breeding blanket Developments for Fusion Reactors" is a programme dedicated to the educational and technical training of new experts in several disciplines involved in the field of Breeding Blanket in order to give at the same time a workforce support to the Euratom associations involved. At its meeting in Otaniemi 4-5 June 2007, the EFDA Steering Committee approved the EFDA 2008 Work Programme, including the implementation of training programmes in the field of fusion energy research. This Task Agreement covers a training activity in the field of Breeding Blanket called EUROBREED (Breeding Blanket Developments for Fusion Reactors) and will be implemented on the basis of the provisions given in Art 7 of the EFDA Agreement. This activity under Additional Support in this Task Agreement was recommended by the EFDA Steering Committee at its meeting of 10-11th March 2008 in Ljubljana (EFDA (08) 36/4.6).[1]
The overall objective of the goal oriented training (GOT) Programme EUROBREED is helping to provide the necessary broad expert basis to successfully conduct the European Breeding blanket development programme along with ITER and the developments beyond ITER, i.e., for a fusion power reactor, comprising the development of the optimum breeder and neutron multiplier materials, the design of specific breeder blanket components for future fusion reactors, and testing the breeding blanket in ITER. The EUROBREED programme, jointly conducted since end 2008 by KIT, AEUL, CEA, CIEMAT, ENEA, FOM/NRG, HAS and UKAEA, consists of eight Work Packages (WP) entailing each a different discipline (WP, see Table 1). Each of the WPs represents a training programme unit for a trainee that is employed in the WP leader association. The basis trainee’s programme consists of educational units (about 1/3 of the time) in which the trainee attends courses in fusion technology and on the particular research field. The rest of the time is dedicated to a participation to technical work in which the trainee proceeds along, and enhances, already existing projects of the associations in the framework of the European Breeder Blanket Programme.
Institutional Participation

- CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, France)
- ENEA (FTU) (Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente Frascati - Italy)
- Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión (Asociación Euratom-CIEMAT, Madrid - Spain)
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
- University of Latvia (LU) - Euratom Association (European Atomic Energy Community)
- HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)/BUTE (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- NRG/FOM (Nuclear Services for Energy, Environment and Health)
- EFDA-JET (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy,CCFE UK)
Tasks (identified as Work Packages)
WP ID | Leader Org. | WP Description |
WP1 | KIT | Design, procurement and test of solid breeder units [3][4][5] |
WP2 | KIT | Pebble bed development and testing for the EU solid breeder blanket[6] |
WP3 | CEA | Neutronics and radiation protection shielding design of the HCLL reactor [7][8] |
WP4 | CEA | TBM integration in Port Plug with engineering design and interfaces management [9] |
WP5 | HAS | Measurement techniques development for breeder blankets[10] |
WP6 | NRG | Pebble bed nuclear performance testing [11][12][13][14] |
WP7 | CIEMAT | Tritium transport predictive modelling tools for Breeding Blanket design analyses and system modelling[15][16][17] |
WP8 | AEUL | Properties and diffusion of tritium accumulated in fusion reactor materials [18][19] |
- ↑ L. V. Boccaccini et al., THE EFDA GOAL ORIENTED TRAINING PROGRAM EUROBREED, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, P2-131
- ↑ Dereck Stork, Technical Challenges on the path to DEMO, Int. Meet. MFE Roadmapping in the ITER era. PPL 11-16 Sept. (2011 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, SOFT-26. Porto, Portugal. Sep 27-Oct 1(2010)
- ↑ F. Hernandez, F. Cismondi, B. Kiss , FLUID DYNAMIC AND THERMAL ANALYSES OF THE HCPB TBM BREEDER UNITS, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, (SOFT-26 Proceedings, P1-137)
- ↑ Francisco Hernandez, Thermo-mechanical Analyses and Assessment with Respect the Design Codes and Standards of the HCPB Breeder Unit, (14 Sept. 2011) Poster Session 2-026
- ↑ F. Hernández, F. Cismondi, B. Bliss, Design Cycle of a Breeder Unit Mock-up for the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed Test Blanket Module (HCPB-TBM) for ITER
- ↑ M. Kolb et Al., Enhanced fabrication process for lithum orthosilicate pebbles as breeding material, Fusion Engineering and Design, V. 86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2148–2151 (SOFT-26 Proceedings, P1-139)
- ↑ C. Fausser et Al., numerical benchmarks TRIPOLI - MCNP with use of MCAM on FNG ITER bulk shield & preliminary FNG HCLL TBM mock-up experiments, Fusion Engineering and Design (October 2011), 86 (9-11), pg. 2135-2138 (SOFT-26 Proceedings, P2-016)
- ↑ Clement Fausser 'Tokamak D-T Neutron Source Models for Different Plasma Physics Confinement Modes. (14 Sept. 2011) Poster Session 2-080
- ↑ L.Commin et Al., TEST BLANKET MODULE PIPE FOREST INTEGRATION IN ITER EQUATORIAL PORT, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology Proceedings, P1-030
- ↑ I. Rovni et Al., An improved method of detector material selection for multiple foil activation measurements in the TBMs, Fusion Engineering and Design, V.86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2322–2325 (SOFT-26 Proceedings, P2-001)
- ↑ Sander Van Til, Optimizing Tritium Extraction from a Permeator Against Vacuum (PAV) by Dimensional Design Using Different Tritium Transport Modeling Tools, (15 Sept. 2011) Poster Session 3-021
- ↑ S. van Til et Al., Evolution of beryllium pebbles (HIDOBE) in long term, high flux irradiation in the high flux reactor, Fusion Engineering and Design, V. 86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2258–2261 (SOFT-26, P3-138)
- ↑ M.Kolb, Synthesis of Tritium Breeder Ceramics from Metallic Lithium, (13 Sept. 2011) Poster Session 1-060
- ↑ S. van Til, Nuclear Performance Testing of Functional Materials for the Fusion Fuel Cycle
- ↑ P.Miguel Martinez Alcalde, Optimizing Tritium Extraction from a Permeator Against Vacuum (PAV) by Dimensional Design Using Different Tritium Transport Modeling Tools, (13 & 15 Sept. 2011) Poster S. 1-055 and 3-051
- ↑ P.Martínez et Al., LIBRETTO-4: Understanding and modeling tritium transport under irradiation, Fusion Engineering and Design V. 86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2374–2377 (SOFT-26, P4-016)
- ↑ G. Ķizāne, E. Pajuste, A. Vītiņš, V. Zubkovs, STUDIES OF TRITIUM BEHAVIOUR IN NEUTRON IRRADIATED BERYLLIUM PEBBLES FOR FUSION APPLICATIONS, 10th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technologies, ISFNT-10. 11-16 Sep. 2011 Portland, Oregon
- ↑ E. Pajuste et Al., Tritium distribution and chemical forms in the irradiated beryllium pebbles before and after thermoannealing, Fusion Engineering and Design V. 86, Issues 9–11, October 2011, Pages 2125–2128 (Proceedings of the SOFT-26, P1-144)
See also
- Consolider INGENIO 2010 TECNO_FUS Programme