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= Experimental campaign ==
[[File:Soho.gif|frame|right|A prominence on the sun, an arc of plasma rising into the corona. Image credit: [ SOHO]]]
2019 Autumn
This is the FusionWiki, jointly hosted by
[[Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión|LNF]] and [[Fusenet]].
It is associated with two domains: [] and [].

== Proposal title ==
The goal of this Wiki ([[:Wikipedia:Wiki|''what is a wiki?'']]) is to collect specialist information on issues related to '''fusion and plasma physics''':
Infrared thermography of the NBI Beam Stop: NBI contribution to plasma fuelling
* Research topics (physics, engineering, theory, experiment, [[:Category:Software|software]], [[Diagnostics|diagnostics]], [[Software tools|tools]], [[Journals|journals]], [[Data analysis techniques|data analysis techniques]], [[Fusion databases|databases]], concepts, terminology, ...), with links to the main references in the field
* [[Fusion laboratories]], [[institutions]], and entities ([[:Category:Toroidal confinement devices|devices]], collaborations, projects, ...)
* Policy issues (organizations, commissions, programs, ...)
* [[FusionWiki:Current events|Meetings and Conferences]]

== Name and affiliation of proponent =
== How to help ==
Macarena Liniers Vázquez (Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión)
== Details of contact person at LNF (if applicable) ==
Macarena Liniers
== Description of the activity, including motivation/objectives and experience of the proponent (typically one-two pages)==
To study the power balance of the injected beams, and their contribution to plasma fuelling, Infrared thermography of the NBI Beam Stop (BS) will be used.
The IR camera FLIR X6580sc, commissioned during the previous campaign, gave preliminary results on the “shine-trough” and reionization losses through the IR images of the “Beam Stop”. A correlation between reionization losses and local pressure at the beam duct was established.
The obtained IR images did not fully correspond to the expected behaviour of the BS material, a textured graphite with easy conductivity in the plate plane. The temperatures were higher than expected, and their time traces showed a “saturation” effect. A number  of tests were performed to ascertain the thermal character of this behaviour. It was confirmed that the saturation is not a camera detector effect, but a “real” evolution of the IR radiance on the camera.
In order to perform a correct analysis of the thermal images, it is necessary to study the relative importance of the different effects that contribute to the plate temperature evolution, and to the IR radiance of the plate surface in the camera wave-length range (3.5-5 m). Aside from the heat conduction in the graphite plate bulk upon beam interception:
-thermal behaviour (conduction) of the layers of Li, B, and their compounds, that are deposited on the BS graphite during Li and B evaporation, and subsequent plasma operation
-Emissivity changes of the graphite surface with temperature due to the deposited layers
-Line emission of H0, Li, B, C and their compounds, in the 3.5-5.0 m range

In order to obtain the beam fraction deposited in the plasma, a well-defined correlation between the beam power intercepted by the BS, and the measured surface temperature must be found.
Please feel free to contribute.
The high frame rate of the new camera will allow us to discriminate between fast processes (such as line-emission) and slow processes (thermal conduction), and thereby interpret the observed IR radiation behaviour.
* See [[FusionWiki:Community Portal|Community Portal]] for a summary of the goal of the FusionWiki and information about what you can do to help.
TJ-II experimental campaign needs:
* See [[FusionWiki:About|About FusionWiki]] for more detail on the goal of the FusionWiki and the kind of content needed.
-As soon as the beams are ready (mid-May) beam pulses without B are required.
* See [[Help:Contents|Help]] for practical and easy instructions on how to create and edit pages.
1. Spectrograms of the IR light (between 0.8-1.5 m ) coming from the BS area are necessary, to study relevant emission lines and determine their correlative lines in the 3.5-5 m range, and their intensity relative to the “background” grey body emission
2. Visible and UV spectra of light coming from the BS area, to study the species present and their contribution to radiance in the 3.5-5 m range
3. Capture IR images of the BS with increased frequency to study the Temperature rise and fall and compare with the time scales of the IR emission effects (grey body, line emission)
4. Perform beam power scans to study the correlation between BS temperature and Beam power
5. Perform a number of pulses with B to estimate the re-ionization losses
-Towards the end of the campaign:
6. Beam pulses on the Beam Calorimeter with the new 12 mm lens

== If applicable, International or National funding project or entity ==
== Selected entries ==
Proyecto Plan Nacional FIS2017-89326-R
* [[Nuclear fusion]]; [[Books]] on fusion and plasma physics
== Description of required resources ==
* International projects: [[ITER]], [[W7-X]], [[IFMIF]], [[TJ-II]]
Required resources:
* [[FusionWiki:Current_events|Fusion events]] (congresses, workshops, meetings,...)
* Number of plasma discharges or days of operation: 2 days of operation + 2 beam pulses to be used for reference in several experiments
* [[Fusion databases]]
* Essential diagnostic systems:: IR spectroscopy, VUV spectroscopy plasma density, NPA (tangential), IR Thermography, Fast Ion gauges, Halpha
* [[Educational material]]
* Type of plasmas (heating configuration):several different densities
* [[Job opportunities]]
* Specific requirements on wall conditioning if any:reference pulses one day previous to Li, one day next to Li
* [[Alternative fusion devices‎]]
* External users: need a local computer account for data access: no
* [[LNF:Nationally Funded Projects‎]]
* Any external equipment to be integrated? Provide description and integration needs:

== Preferred dates and degree of flexibility ==
== Special index pages ==
One day in Mid-November (one day previous to Li, one day next to Li) and one day at end of campaign

== References ==
[[Special:Categories|Categories of pages]]
-M. Liniers et al., New infrared imaging diagnostic for the Neutral Beam Heating System at the TJ-II stellarator
Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 14, September 2019
3rd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD2019)

[[TJ-II:Experimental proposals|Back to list of experimental proposals]]
[[Special:AllPages|All current pages]]

[[Category:TJ-II internal documents]]
== FusionWiki in the news ==
[[Category:TJ-II experimental proposals Autumn 2018]]

== Name and affiliation of proponent =
* [ Fusion in Europe '''2''' (2011) p. 17]
Paco Tabares, Eider Oyarzabal, David Tafalla
* [ ''FusionWiki needs more pages'', EuroFusion NewsLetter, December 12th, 2016]
== Details of contact person at LNF (if applicable) ==
Paco Tabares
== Description of the activity, including motivation/objectives and experience of the proponent (typically one-two pages)==
Continuation of previous experiments: Insertion of Sn, LiSn and Li fingers in CPS support
== If applicable, International or National funding project or entity ==
1P120 MINECO, TF LMD EuroFusion
== Description of required resources ==
Required resources:
* Number of plasma discharges or days of operation:  
* Essential diagnostic systems:
* Type of plasmas (heating configuration):
* Specific requirements on wall conditioning if any:
* External users: need a local computer account for data access: yes/no
* Any external equipment to be integrated? Provide description and integration needs:
Biasing Power source ad Control
== Preferred dates and degree of flexibility ==
10-03-2018 to 05-06-2018
== References ==
F L Tabares et al. Experimental tests of LiSn alloys as potential liquid metal for the Divertor target in a Fusion Reactor. Nucl Mat Ene. (2017) in press<hr>
F L Tabares et al Comparative studies of Li and LiSn…. Phys Scripta 2017 (in press)
[[TJ-II:Experimental proposals|Back to list of experimental proposals]]
[[Category:TJ-II internal documents]]
[[Category:TJ-II experimental proposals Autum 2019]]
