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Personal information
- Boudewijn van Milligen (Admin)
- Researcher at:
Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión - CIEMAT
Avda. Complutense 40, Edif. 66
28040 Madrid, España - Spain - Tel. +34 - 914 962 682
- Email boudewijn.vanmilligen (at)
User profiles:
- Publons (ResearcherID)
- Scopus
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
- Fusion and plasma physics
- L-H transition, Zonal Flows
- Magnetic islands, MHD activity
- Anomalous transport
- Turbulence
- Continuous Time Random Walks
- Data analysis
- Causality detection
- Intermittence
- Hurst analysis
- Bayesian data analysis
- Biorthogonal decomposition
- Bicoherence
- Tomography
B.Ph. van Milligen and R. Sánchez, Analysis of Turbulence in Fusion Plasmas, IOP Publishing (2022), ISBN 978-0-7503-4854-6
Selected publications
(inverse chronological order)
≥ 2020
- B.Ph. van Milligen, I. Voldiner, B.A. Carreras, L. García, M.A. Ochando and The TJ-II Team, Rational surfaces, flows and radial structure in the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 63 (2023) 016027
- B.Ph. Van Milligen, B.A. Carreras, L. Garcia, G. Grenfell, I. Voldiner and C. Hidalgo, The impact of radial electric fields and plasma rotation on intermittence in TJ-II, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64, 5 (2022) 055006 (repository)
- B. van Milligen, A. Melnikov, B. Carreras, L. Garcia, A. Kozachek, C. Hidalgo, J. de Pablos, Ph. Khabanov, L. Eliseev, M. Drabinskij, A. Chmyga, L. Krupnik, the HIBP Team, the TJ-II Team, Topology of 2-D turbulent structures based on intermittence in the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 61, 11 (2021) 116063 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras, I. Voldiner, U. Losada, C. Hidalgo, and the TJ-II Team, Causality, intermittence and crossphase evolution during confinement transitions in the TJ-II stellarator, Phys. Plasmas 28 (2021) 092302 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B. Carreras, L. García and C. Hidalgo, The localization of low order rational surfaces based on the intermittence parameter in the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 60 (2020) 056010 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B. Carreras, L. García and J. Nicolau, The radial propagation of heat in strongly driven non-equilibrium fusion plasmas, Entropy, 21, 2 (2019) 148
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B. Carreras, E. de la Luna and E. Solano, Radial variation of heat transport in L-mode JET discharges Nucl. Fusion, 59 (2019) 056006 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras, C. Hidalgo, Á. Cappa and the TJ-II Team, A possible mechanism for confinement power degradation in the TJ-II stellarator, Phys. Plasmas 25 (2018) 062503 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, U. Hoefel, J. Nicolau, M. Hirsch, L. García, B. Carreras, C. Hidalgo and the W7-X Team, Study of radial heat transport in W7-X using the transfer entropy, Nucl. Fusion 58 (2018) 076002 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, J. Hernández Nicolau, B. Liu, G. Grenfell, U. Losada, B. Carreras, L. Garcia and C. Hidalgo, Filaments in the edge confinement region of TJ-II, Nucl. Fusion 58 (2018) 026030 (repository)
- B.Ph. van Milligen, J.H. Nicolau, L. García, B.A. Carreras, C. Hidalgo and the TJ-II Team, The impact of rational surfaces on radial heat transport in TJ-II, Nucl. Fusion 57, 5 (2017) 056028, arxiv:1701.04574
- B.Ph. van Milligen, T. Estrada, B.A. Carreras, E. Ascasíbar, C. Hidalgo, I. Pastor, J.M. Fontdecaba, R. Balbín and the TJ-II Team, The causal impact of magnetic fluctuations in slow and fast L–H transitions at TJ-II, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016) 072305, arxiv:1512.06525
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras, L. García, A. Martín de Aguilera, C. Hidalgo, J.H. Nicolau and the TJ-II Team, The causal relation between turbulent particle flux and density gradient, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016) 072307
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras and D.E. Newman, Constructing criteria to diagnose the likelihood of extreme events in the case of the electric power grid, Chaos 26 (2016) 033109
- B.Ph. van Milligen, T. Estrada, L. García, D. López-Bruna, B. Carreras, Y. Xu, M. Ochando, C. Hidalgo, J. Reynolds-Barredo and A. López-Fraguas, The role of magnetic islands in modifying long range temporal correlations of density fluctuations and local heat transport, Nucl. Fusion, 56, 1 (2016) 016013, arxiv:1506.06890
- B.Ph. van Milligen, E. Sánchez, A. Alonso, M.A. Pedrosa, C. Hidalgo, A. Martín de Aguilera, A. López Fraguas, The use of the Biorthogonal Decomposition for the identification of zonal flows at TJ-II, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57, 2 (2015) 025005, arxiv:1408.1845
- B.Ph. van Milligen, P.D. Bons, Simplified numerical model for clarifying scaling behavior in the intermediate dispersion regime in homogeneous porous media, Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 3291, arxiv:1409.2724
- B.Ph. van Milligen, G. Birkenmeier, M. Ramisch, T. Estrada, C. Hidalgo and A. Alonso, Causality detection and turbulence in fusion plasmas, Nucl. Fusion 54 (2014), 023011, arxiv:1309.7769
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Parallel and perpendicular turbulence correlation length in the TJ-II Stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 093025, arxiv:1306.1395
- P.D. Bons, B.Ph. van Milligen, P. Blum, A general unified expression for solute and heat dispersion in homogeneous porous media, Water Resour. Res. 49 (2013) 1
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Spatiotemporal and wavenumber resolved bicoherence at the low to high confinement transition in the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 113034, arxiv:1211.0420
- B. Ph. van Milligen, R. Sánchez and C. Hidalgo, Relevance of Uncorrelated Lorentzian Pulses for the Interpretation of Turbulence in the Edge of Magnetically Confined Toroidal Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 (2012) 105001, arxiv:1204.6185
- B.Ph. van Milligen, P.D. Bons, Analytical model for tracer dispersion in porous media, Phys. Rev. E 85 (2012) 011306, arxiv:1111.6512
- B.Ph. van Milligen, L. García, B.A. Carreras, M.A. Pedrosa, C. Hidalgo, J.A. Alonso, T. Estrada and E. Ascasíbar, MHD mode activity and the velocity shear layer at TJ-II, Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 013006
- B.Ph. van Milligen, T. Estrada, E. Ascasíbar, et al, Integrated data analysis at TJ-II: the density profile, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 (2011) 073503
- R.S. Wilcox, B.Ph. van Milligen, C. Hidalgo, et al., Measurements of bicoherence and long-range correlations during biasing in the HSX stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 083048
- B.A. Carreras et al., Reconstruction of intermittent waveforms associated with the zonal flow at the transition leading to the edge shear flow layer, Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 053022
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, A global resonance phenomenon at the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 013005
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, The dynamics of the formation of the edge particle transport barrier at TJ-II, Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 113002
- B.Ph. van Milligen, I. Calvo and R. Sánchez, Continuous time random walks in finite domains and general boundary conditions: some formal considerations, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 215004
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Quantifying profile stiffness, Plasma and Fusion Research, 3 (2008) S1070
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Bicoherence during confinement transitions in the TJ-II stellarator, Nucl. Fusion 48 (2008) 115003
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras, V.E. Lynch and R. Sánchez, Pulse propagation in a simple probabilistic transport model, Nucl. Fusion 47 (2007) 189
- B.Ph. van Milligen, P.D. Bons, B.A. Carreras and R. Sánchez, On the applicability of Fick's Law to diffusion in inhomogeneous systems, Eur. J. Phys. 26 (2005) 913
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras and R. Sánchez, The foundations of diffusion revisited, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 (2005) B743
- B.Ph. Van Milligen et al, Additional evidence for the universality of turbulent fluctuations and fluxes in the scrape-off layer region of fusion plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 052507
- B.Ph. van Milligen, R. Sánchez and B.A. Carreras, Probabilistic finite-size transport models for fusion: anomalous transport and scaling laws, Phys. Plasmas 11, 5 (2004) 2272
- B.Ph. van Milligen, B.A. Carreras and R. Sánchez, Uphill transport and the probabilistic transport model, Phys. Plasmas 11, 3787 (2004)
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Revision of TV Thomson scattering data analysis and detection of profile structure, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 (2003) 3998
- B.Ph. van Milligen, E. de la Luna, F.L. Tabarés, et al., Ballistic transport phenomena in TJ-II, Nucl. Fusion 42 (2002) 787
1990 - 1999
- B.A. Carreras, B.Ph. van Milligen, et al, Experimental evidence of long-range correlation and self-similarity in plasma fluctuations, Phys. Plasmas 6, 5 (1999) 1885
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Statistically robust linear and non-linear wavelet analysis applied to plasma edge turbulence, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 (1997) 967
- B.Ph. van Milligen, V. Tribaldos, J.A. Jiménez, A neural network differential equation and plasma equilibrium solver, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 3594
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Nonlinear phenomena and intermittency in plasma turbulence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3 (1995) 395
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al, Wavelet bicoherence: a new turbulence analysis tool, Phys. Plasmas 2, 8 (1995) 3017
- B.Ph. van Milligen and A. Lopez Fraguas, Expansion of vacuum magnetic fields in toroidal harmonics, Comput. Phys. Commun. 81, Issues 1-2 (1994) 74-90
- B.Ph. van Milligen, A.C.A.P. van Lammeren, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, F.C. Schüller and M. Verreck, Gradients of electron temperature and density across m=2 islands in RTP, Nucl. Fusion 33 (1993) 1119
- B.Ph. van Milligen, N.J. Lopes Cardozo, Function Parametrization: a fast inverse mapping method, Comput. Phys. Commun. 66 (1991) 243
- B.Ph. van Milligen et al., Application of Function Parametrization to the analysis of polarimetry and interferometry data in TEXTOR, Nucl. Fusion 31 (1991) 309
- B.Ph. van Milligen, Exact relations between multipole moments of the flux and moments of the toroidal current density in tokamaks, Nucl. Fusion 30 (1990) 157