TJ-II:Experimental proposals

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TJ-II Model

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Experimental proposals, Autumn 2018

Deadline: October 10, 2018

  1. TJ-II:Influence of positive and negative density gradients in turbulent transport using the HIBP system
  2. TJ-II:Turbulence spreading and ECRH modulation experiments in the TJ-II stellarator
  3. TJ-II:Pellet Injections into TJ-II plasmas with core fast electron population
  4. TJ-II:Validation of ECCD predictions in TJ-II ECRH plasmas
  5. TJ-II:Er and turbulence asymmetries in low ripple configurations measured by Doppler reflectometry
  6. TJ-II:Real Time lithiatiation of TJII
  7. TJ-II:Radiation asymmetries and potential variations

Experimental proposals, Spring 2018

Deadline: March 7, 2018

  1. TJ-II:Observation of suprathermal ions with Neutral Particle Analyzers during electron cyclotron heating in the TJ-II stellarator
  2. TJ-II:Poloidal 2D scans to investigate potential and density profiles in the TJ-II stellarator using dual Heavy ion beam probe diagnostic
  3. TJ-II:Validation of bootstrap predictions
  4. TJ-II:Transport analysis by means of the Transfer Entropy
  5. TJ-II:Understanding an often observed transient rise in core electron temperature during pellet injection into TJ-II plasmas
  6. TJ-II:Improving fuelling efficiency in TJ-II ECRH plasmas
  7. TJ-II:The influence of a core fast electron population on pellet fuelling efficiency in TJ-II
  8. TJ-II:Studies of LIquid Metal insertion in TJ-II
  9. TJ-II:Fast Camera studies with triple bundle
  10. TJ-II:Turbulence and radial electric field asymmetries in high iota magnetic configuration measured by Doppler reflectometry
  11. TJ-II:Influence of electron / ion root and ion mass on the radial and frequency structure of zonal flows in TJ-II
  12. TJ-II:Blobs vs streamers
  13. TJ-II:Investigation of the ECRH power level and deposition radius on impurity confinement after injection by laser blow-off in TJ-II
  14. TJ-II:Evaluation of Neoclassical transport correction terms in TJ-II
  15. TJ-II:Turbulence studies during transient pellet induced regimes
  16. TJ-II:Infrared thermography of the NBI Beam Stop: NBI contribution to plasma fuelling
  17. TJ-II:Dependence of NBI-driven Alfvén Eigenmodes on NBI energy and power
  18. TJ-II:ECRH system calibration
  19. TJ-II: Radiation asymmetries and potential variations

Experimental proposals, Spring 2017

Deadline: January 26, 2017

  1. TJ-II:Search for physical mechanisms that lead to increase of turbulence following pellet injection
  2. TJ-II:Effect of pellet injection on the radial electric field profile of stellarators
  3. TJ-II:Excitation of zonal flow oscillations by energetic particles
  4. TJ-II:Radial electric field of low-magnetic-field low-collisionality NBI plasmas
  5. TJ-II:Comparison of transport of on-axis and off-axis ECH-heated plasmas
  6. TJ-II:Impurity injection by laser blow-off: influence of main ions charge/mass on impurity confinement and transport
  7. TJ-II:PelletFuelling
  8. TJ-II:Impurity density and potential asymmetries
  9. TJ-II:Investigation of turbulence spreading and information transfer in the TJ-II stellarator
  10. TJ-II:Role of isotope effect on biasing induced transitions in the TJ-II stellarator
  11. TJ-II:Investigation of the mechanism of decoupling between energy and particle transport channels: Proposal for joint experiments in TJ-II and H-J
  12. TJ-II:Alfven Eigenmodes and biasing in TJ-II
  13. TJ-II:Potential asymmetries at low magnetic field
  14. TJ-II:NBI contribution to plasma fuelling
  15. TJ-II:Investigation of plasma asymmetries in the TJ-II stellarator and comparison with Gyrokinetic simulations
  16. TJ-II:Effect of ECRH on the characteristics of Alfven Eigenmodes activity
  17. TJ-II:Investigating the Alfvén Wave damping
  18. TJ-II:L-H Transition and Isotope Effect in low magnetic ripple configurations
  19. TJ-II:Measurements of radial correlation length and tilting of turbulent eddies by Radial Correlation Doppler Reflectometry
  20. TJ-II:Measurement of Te and ne of Blobs analyzing recycling helium emission in front of a poloidal limiter
  21. TJ-II:Potential Assymetries at low magnetic field

See also