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== Documents ==
AFAIC that's the best asnewr so far!
== Movies ==
Some movies (.mov) require [ Quicktime] (free).
* [ Starmakers (Spanish)] / [ Starmakers (English)]
* [ Fusion 2100]
* [ Nuclear Fusion] (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
* [ Fusion Energy: The JET Experiment]
* [ Virtual and expanded reality in fusion devices]
== External links ==
* [ European Fusion Network Information]
* [ The Fusion Expo]
* [ Fusion Energy Education]
* [ Focus on Fusion]
* [ Interactive Plasma Physics Education Experience]
* [ Fusion Education] (General Atomics)
* [ Fusion21] (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
* [ Introduction to Fusion] (CEA)
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