EPS Conference Organization

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This page provides information for the Programme Committee (PC) and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, to facilitate and streamline the organization of this annual conference.

Time line

Approx. date Actions Action owner
November (preceding year) Nomination of invited speakers PC
January First announcement email LOC
January Invitation of invited speakers PC
February Abstract submission (2-week period) PC decides, OCS implements
March PC meeting to decide program PC
April Abstract website ready OCS
April Author confirmation emails sent OCS
2 weeks before conference Paper submission (2-week period) OCS
At conference Paper website ready OCS


The conference contributions ara of various different types:

  • Invited contributions (both Plenary and ordinary), delivered as a talk with duration of approx. 40 or 25 minutes
  • Oral contributions, delivered as a talk with a duration of approx. 15 minutes
  • Poster contributions

The talk durations may vary slightly per conference.

Abstract submission

Submissions of all abstracts (including Invited) are currently handled by the Online Conference System.

Paper submission

Submissions of 4-page papers (corresponding to Oral and Poster contributions) are currently handled by the Online Conference System.

It should be noted that invited papers, with a length of 8 (orinary invited) or 12 (plenary invited) pages, are not submitted via the OCS system, but directly to the journal in which they will be published (PPCF).


Conference registration is handled independently from the submission of abstracts and papers. However, it may be convenient to have registrants provide their 'Conference ID', i.e., the conference code of their abstract. That will allow checking whether all abstract submitters will actually attend the conference.

Local Conference Organization

The LOC provides a website with information for conference participants. It should contain, at least:

  • The list of Committee Members
  • The list of Invited Speakers
  • The Conference program
  • Important dates
  • Instructions for authors
  • Links to the submission system
  • Links to the registration system
  • Information on accommodation
  • Information on local transport

Additional material