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Personal Information

  • Name : Emilia R. Solano (Emilia Rodríguez-Solano Rineiro)
  • Address: Asociación EURATOM-CIEMAT para Fusión, Av. Complutense 22, E-28040 Madrid, España
  • email: emilia.solano at


Theory and Applied Theory in Plasma Physics

  • Equilibrium in tokamaks: the Grad-Shafranov equation
  • Critical equilibria in tokamaks and confinement regimes
  • Neoclassical theory in stellarators and tokamaks

JET experimental studies

Study of high temperature pedestals

  1. Observation of confined current ribbon in JET plasmas, to be published in PRL May 2010
  2. High Temperature Pedestals in JET and confined current filaments EPS 2010 Oral

  • Study of ELMs (Edge Localised Modes)
  • Study of transport barrier formation

Tokamak Design

  • TEXT Upgrade
  • USTX: the University Spherical Tokamak Experiment design proposal

Publications list