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The magnetic well, along with the magnetic shear, is a fundamental concept for the stability of magnetically confined plasmas. A toroidally confined plasma with given pressure has a tendency to expand. However, an ideal, collisionless plasma is bound to the magnetic field lines, and the flux in a magnetic flux tube is conserved. The plasma will therefore prefer to move to a location where the volume to flux ratio (the specific volume) is maximum.

Assuming the existence of nested (toroidal) flux surfaces, labelled by ψ, and with volume V(ψ) and toroidal flux Φ(ψ), this specific volume is

Noting that the mean value of the magnetic field can be written

where is the length of the (toroidal) magnetic axis, one sees that the condition of maximum specific volume is equivalent to minimum B.

To calculate the well, this condition must be averaged over a flux surface. The final definition is:

where the average is defined as

where dl is an arc segment along the field line.

The magnetic well is related to the average field line curvature κ. [1]


  1. M. Wakatani, Stellarator and Heliotron devices, Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford (1998) ISBN 0-19-507831-4