FusionWiki:About: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 08:24, 21 July 2009

The FusionWiki is a thematic Wiki for information related to Fusion. Any information related to Fusion activities and research can be included here, for reference by:

  • The general public and the press
  • Colleagues working in other but related fields
  • Specialists in the Fusion field

It has been considered useful to develop a general repository of information about, e.g.:

  • Basic concepts and definitions of Fusion terms and abbreviations
  • Fusion laboratories and research facilities
  • Fusion organisations, structures, entities, commissions, departments, proyects
  • Fusion policy
  • Fusion-related educational material, images, movies
  • Fusion lines of research
  • References to the main publications in the fusion field
  • Fusion-related software (simulation codes, analysis codes)

These items should have an entry with a brief description and references to external websites or literature.