TJ-II: Pellet induced Enhanced Confinement: the role of Er and turbulence

Experimental campaign

Autumn 2021

Proposal title

Pellet induced Enhanced Confinement regime in NBI plasmas: the role of Er and turbulence in PiEC phase

Name and affiliation of proponent

I. García-Cortés, K. McCarthy, Nerea Panadero, Macarena Liniers, Teresa Estrada, Daniel Carralero and HIBP group

Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión, CIEMAT

Details of contact person at LNF

If applicable, enter contact person here or write N/A

Description of the activity

Enter description here [1], including motivation/objectives and experience of the proponent (typically one-two pages)

Pellet-induced Enhanced Confinement (PiEC) has been recently reported [1] in discharges made in the stellarator TJ-II after a cryogenic fuel pellet is injected into its neutral beam injection (NBI) heated phase. In addition to increased particle density in the plasma core after pellet injection (PI), these plasmas show diamagnetic energy content up to 40% higher to the reference shot without PI. Moreover, the energy confinement time, as determined using a diamagnetic loop, is enhanced when compared to predictions obtained using the International Stellarator Scaling law [2]. In general, the PiEC in TJ-II is characterized by increased density gradients, by enhanced negative radial electric fields that extend from the plasma edge region to the core, as observed by HIBP and Doppler reflectometer systems, as well as by reductions in density, plasma potential and magnetic fluctuations in the plasma core. However, the underlying physics that can induce this regime is still unclear in TJ-II. Taking into account that the Er and turbulence seems to play un key role in similar phenomena in W7-X (enhanced confinement after pellet injection), we propose series of shots with controlled density and with different NBI heating power (from low, only one NBI to high power, both NBI) in order to study at the same time the evolution of profiles like Er (by HIBP and DR) and density and its flucutations (HIBP and DR).

International or National funding project or entity

Cryogenic and impurity pellet studies in the stellarators TJ-II and W7-X Ref: PID2020-116599RB-I00

Description of required resources

Required resources:

  • Number of plasma discharges or days of operation: 2 days (if possible to make scan in NBI power and magnetic configuration)
  • Essential diagnostic systems: TS, HIBP, Doppler Reflectometer, He-Beam.
  • Type of plasmas (heating configuration): NBI#1, NIB#2 and NBI#1+2
  • Specific requirements on wall conditioning if any:
  • External users: need a local computer account for data access: yes/no
  • Any external equipment to be integrated? Provide description and integration needs:

Preferred dates and degree of flexibility

Preferred dates: (format dd-mm-yyyy)


[1] I. Garcia-Cortes et al. submitted for publication in NF

  1. A. Einstein, Journal of Exceptional Results (2017)