
Multichannel system

Observation geometry of the nine-channel high-resolution spectroscopic diagnostic system

TJ-II disposes of a nine-channel, high-resolution, spectroscopic diagnostic system. This system is currently being used to measure impurity ion temperature and poloidal rotation using passive emission spectroscopy. The principal features of the diagnostic include independent focusing of its channels, high sensitivity for performing Doppler measurements in plasmas, as well as a flexible and fast in-house-developed software program for performing integrated data reduction and analysis. [1] [2]. This experimental system has also been used to measure proton rotation using spectral line emission from excited fast neutrals created from inner core plasma protons via charge exchange transfer reactions. [3]

Toroidal rotation measurement

Spectroscopy device for toroidal rotation measurement

A method for measuring absolutely calibrated toroidal rotation velocities consists of simultaneously recording the emission lines from the plasma and from a calibration lamp by means of a double fiber-fiber guide. [4] The system has been mounted at φ = -9.45° (sector D8) and φ = 170.56° (sector B8).

Other techniques

A vacuum ultraviolet spectrometer is used for performing spectral surveys and specialized plasma studies. [5] [6]

The chord-integrated emissions of spectral lines are monitored by using a spectral system with time and space scanning capabilities and relative calibration over the entire UV-visible spectral range. This system has been used to study the line ratio of lines of different ionization stages of carbon C5+ 5290 Å and C4+ 2271 Å for plasma diagnostic purposes. [7]
