Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión

The National Fusion Laboratory is part of CIEMAT.

The Laboratory is dedicated to the development of fusion by magnetic confinement as a future energy generation option. Research is mainly centered on the Flexible Heliac TJ-II, and on materials studies.


In 1975, a research group is created at the JEN (later to become CIEMAT) to study the subject of fusion. In 1983, the small tokamak TJ-I is taken into operation, followed by the torsatron TJ-IU in 1994, and the flexible heliac TJ-II in 1999.


Organization and personnel

Projects and research

Computer resources

Due to the large computational needs of the Laboratory, it makes use of both internal and external resources through collaborations:


The Laboratory participates in many international projects and collaborates with other institutions, such as:


The Laboratory has organised many events, among which:

External Links

Website of the Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión

Website of CIEMAT