International Congress on Plasma Physics

The first ICPP congress (Nagoya, 1980) was the result of combining the fourth Kiev International Conference on Plasma Theory and the fourth International Congress on Waves and Stability in Plasmas.

The ICPP congress is often combined with another major international plasma physics conference.

List of conferences

Conference Proceedings Publication
1st (1980) Nagoya, Japan
2nd (1982) Göteborg, Sweden Phys. Scr. T2A (1982)
3rd (1984) Lausanne, Switzerland
4th (1987) Kiev, Ukraine
5th (1989) New Delhi, India
6th (1992) Innsbruck, Austria
7th (1994) Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
8th (1996) Nagoya, Japan Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39, 5A (1997)
9th (1998) Prague, Czech Republic Proceedings
10th (2000) Quebec, Canada Phys. Plasmas 8, 5 (2001)
11th (2002) Sydney, Australia
12th (2004) Nice, France Proceedings Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47, 5A (2005)
13th (2006) Kiev, Ukraine Proceedings Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49, 5A (2007)
14th (2008) Fukuoka, Japan