European Fusion Theory Conference

The conference provides a discussion forum covering all areas of magnetic fusion-oriented theoretical activities in Europe. Its main topics are:

  1. Basic plasma theory
  2. Macroinstabilities and operational limits
  3. Alternative concepts: stellarators, RFP's, spherical tokamaks, etc.
  4. Turbulent transport and structures: experimental evidence and theoretical basis
  5. Neoclassical transport: theory and experimental evidence
  6. Burning plasmas and fast particles
  7. Heating, current drive, and wave particle interactions
  8. Edge and SOL/divertor physics
  9. Computational modelling in plasma physics.

List of conferences

Number Year Location/Website
1 1986 Wépion, Belgium
2 1987 Varenna, Italy
3 1989 Oxford, UK
4 1991 Göteborg, Sweden
5 1993 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
6 1995 Utrecht, The Netherlands
7 1997 Jülich, Germany
8 1999 Como, Italy
9 2001 Helsinger, Denmark
10 2003 Helsinki, Finland
11 2005 Aix-en-Provence, France
12 2008 Madrid, Spain
13 2009 Riga, Latvia
14 2011 Frascati, Italy
15 2013 Oxford, UK
16 2015 Lisbon, Portugal