
This page is meant to provide an overview of (scientific) journals of relevance for fusion and plasma physics, along with a description of their focus and impact (IF = Impact factor). Such a list could be helpful to choose the optimal forum for a publication. It is in need of expansion (please help).

Fusion and plasma physics

Journal (publisher) Description IF (year)
Nuclear Fusion (IOP) The journal covers all aspects of research, theoretical and practical, relevant to controlled thermonuclear fusion. 4.270 (2009)
Physics of Plasmas (AIP) 2.475 (2009)
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (IOP) Covering all aspects of the physics of hot, highly ionised plasmas in the laboratory, the ionosphere and in space as well as in magnetic and inertial-confinement fusion. 2.409 (2009)
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 2.218 (2009)
Journal of Nuclear Materials (Elsevier) 1.933 (2009)
Fusion Engineering and Design (Elsevier) 1.122 (2009)
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (IEEE) 1.043 (2009)
Journal of Plasma Physics (Cambridge) 0.775 (2009)
Fusion Science and Technology (ANS) 0.696 (2009)
Plasma Physics Reports (Springer) 0.584 (2009)
Plasma Science and Technology (IOP) 0.380 (2009)
Plasma and Fusion Research (Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research)
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES (Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research)


Journal (publisher) Description IF (year)
Computer Physics Communications (Elsevier) 1.958 (2009)

General physics

Journal (publisher) Description IF (year)
Reviews of Modern Physics (APS) 33.145 (2009)
Physical Review Letters (APS) 7.328 (2009)
Europhysics Letters (IOP) 2.893 (2009)
Physical Review E (APS) Physical Review E, interdisciplinary in scope, focuses on many-body phenomena, including recent developments in quantum and classical chaos and soft matter physics. It has sections on statistical physics, equilibrium and transport properties of fluids, liquid crystals, complex fluids, polymers, chaos, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, classical physics, and computational physics. In addition, the journal features sections on two rapidly growing areas: biological physics and granular materials. 2.352 (2009)
Review of Scientific Instruments (AIP) 1.521 (2009)
Physica Scripta (IOP) 1.088 (2009)
European Journal of Physics (IOP) 0.741 (2009)

General science

Journal (publisher) Description IF (year)
Nature 34.480 (2009)
Science 29.747 (2009)