Revision as of 10:50, 30 April 2010 by Edi.sanchez (talk | contribs)

The EUTERPE gyrokinetic code was created at the EPFL in Lausanne as a global linear particle in cell code for studying electrostatic plasma instabilities [1]. It allows three-dimensional turbulence simulations using a plasma equilibrium calculated with the VMEC code as a starting point. EUTERPE was further developed at the Max Planck IPP and several linear calculations of ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence in tokamak and stellarator geometry have been carried out using it [2] [3] [4]. Afterwards, the code has been heavily optimized and improved and non-linear dynamics have been included. \\ The EUTERPE code solves the gyroaveraged Vlasov equa- tion for the distribution function of ions
