Nuclear fusion is the process by which multiple like-charged atomic nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus. It is accompanied by the release or absorption of energy, which allows matter to enter a plasma state. [1]

An energy option for the future?

Nuclear fusion is one of the energy options for the future. As all other energy generation options, it has its pros and contras. Making a policy choice in favour of one or the other energy option requires defining one's stance on:

  • The importance of climate change and the impact of the burning of fossil fuels
  • Quantitative estimates of the energy generation potential of each of the available energy options
  • Estimates of global population growth and expectations regarding future energy demand, taking into account the rapidly rising energy needs of emerging economies
  • The relative importance of the environmental impact of each of the energy options
  • Social threats (e.g., nuclear proliferation) associated with each energy option
  • The social acceptability of each energy option
  • The relative economic cost of each of the energy options (including the complete energy generation trajectory, including environmental damage and clean-up)
  • Opportunities offered by the energy options in terms of, e.g., employment

Making the correct choice requires studying each of these complex issues and somehow balancing the risks and opportunities involved. For some of them, the future evolution can be predicted with some confidence, but for others the predictions are hotly debated.

Most likely, energy generation in the future will be based on a mix of many options, that will vary in accord with local economic, environmental, and social conditions.
